Where have I been?
Since the last update on Boxing Day, I've not been doing much else aside from work. 5 days a week Mon-Fri I've been working around the country, staying away from home. Most weekends I've been too lazy or uninspired to shoot much, climb, travel or write. I'd be really tempted to rant and rave about the annoyances of work, but this wouldn't really change much and if anything it's given me the finances and drive to work toward something I do want to do...
As of last week, I've decided to take some unpaid time away from the treadmill of earning and I'm hoping to do a few of the following.
Get fit again - I've climbed a grand total of once since last September! The combination of lack of climbing, running or swimming and the life style of living out of travelodges hasn't been doing favour for my physical and mental health! I'm probably the most unfit I've been in the past 2 years...
Create more photos - I've just signed up to a 10 week Digital Images course with the Open University, I'm hoping this will re-inspire me and help network with some other photographers to get more of my work around. I'm considering following this on to do one of their Bachelor of Arts degrees, but I'm hoping to speak to one of their representatives in person first to discuss loan options and ideas. From their extensive list the two that catch my eye are Psychology and Philosophy BA and their Open Degree option.
Travel? - for quite some time now I've been saving and developing lots of travel ideas. I'm just rather daunted of disappearing abroad alone again and returning some time later with no funds or jobs. Possible ideas so far - India, SE Asia, Canada, China via Russia & Mongolia on the Trans-Siberian Railway.... Pricey!
What else is new?
Since the previous post I've also invested in a Samsung Galaxy S2, excellent phone and very useful for sharing stuff on the go. I'm also in contact with a local creative website who might want to feature me on their Artists page, and maybe even collaborate with them on a sister website. Lots to work on!